Rahway Art Beat eNewsletter October/Noverber 2002

Rahway Art Beat and The Usual Suspects Are Back in Gear

As you are all aware from the September 6th communication from Fran Rizzo,
due to the demands of the dissolution of her film company, Moviebaby
Productions, and the need to tend to her undoubtedly growing number of
projects, the Rahway Art Beat and Usual Suspects meetings have been turned
over to my care.  If  you had an opportunity to talk to Fran at all you know
she not only dreamed up this whole great idea, but did the lion's share of
work to make it happen.  If you can, let her know what a great job she did
and that her enthusiasm and energy will be missed.

The letter you received stated that I have the available time and resources
to devote to this project.  Well, it just ain't so.  I have been a behind
the scenes promoter of the Rahway Art Beat and even attended at it's birth,
but running the Arts Guild has been for some time a six and not infrequently
a seven day a week job and it is, besides being more exciting then you can
imagine, my priority.  The Guild has been a sponsor of the Rahway Art Beat
since it began.  At the September meeting, attended by around 20 artists, I
discussed some new arrangements to allow the whole thing to continue.
Graphic Designer Joe Schwartz has come up with a terrific, bold new poster
for the Usual Suspects First Fridays and we're working on a new design
format for a printed newsletter to be done maybe four times a year to
recruit more artists in places that haven't heard about the Art Beat yet.

We're going to be looking for some volunteers from the attendees to take on
a part of this as time and circumstances permit.  I've set up a new email
address: rahwayartbeat@earthlink.net so you can reach me.  Send news of the
shows you're in, art activities in your area or other news you think artists
should hear about.  I may have to edit a bit for space purposes but... the
eNewsletters can continue now that I've got Outlook on my computer, after
many hours of talk with Senior Technicians at my provider service.
Likewise, your news items will be included so keep in touch everyone!

November 1 is the next meeting and we're on!  No one knew October was a go
so, I sat alone at Eat To The Beat and chatted with John the waiter and a
few visitors.  $5 Rigatoni and Cheddar Starving Artist Special is available
as always with your Starving Artist Cards (Just ask for one!)  You will also
be able to get a 10% discount at Flynn's Irish Pub & Steakhouse on Main St.
(Dynamite, authentic English Fish & Chips!) and Beana's Mexican Restaurant
on St. Georges Avenue, Rahway (Everything there tastes Great!)

I'm also working on a new website - probably won't have the means to get it
launched until after the New Year, but we'll get there.  Joe Schwartz again
has offered his design services for the site and no doubt it will be

FYI - The Rahway Arts Beat is a grass-roots, volunteer newsletter / The Art
Beat 's mission is to  create a welcoming, active community of both
professional artists of all kinds and hobbyists.

Usual Suspects nights are fun, salon style evenings open to a growing
community of New Jersey painters, writers, musicians, actors, poets,
graphic/web designers, filmmakers and every other professional artist or
dabbler as a way to share our art and ideas with each other and the

There are no fees to join.  The meetings are held at Eat To The Beat
Coffeehouse (Cherry Street and Irving/Downtown Rahway) through the
generosity of the owners Joe and Ray, starting at 7PM every First Friday.
There are no guarantees about the number of attendees or cancellations due
to bad weather.

Evenings will be hosted by either myself or anyone else who would like to
rise to the occasion and is entirely on a volunteer basis.

See you November 1!

Lawrence Cappiello