Schools we have touched. Scroll down!
The New School of Monmouth County
Train Installation at the Cork
Gallery, Lincoln Center, NY
3 Trains
October, 2004
UMDNJ-December, January & February, 2005
Citizen School, New Brunswick,
October, 2003
The Default Mode Show, Lincoln
Center, NY
East Brunswick High School- Janet Koenig (teacher)
Academy of Art of Highland Park and Gallery
The Allenvale School, Christchurch, New
Zealand, Homepage
2000- still moving!
The Plastic Fantastic Pipe
sculpture by Tony King and Students
PIPE DREAMS May 14th & 15th, 2003
TEEN ARTS-Middlesex County
College, Edison, NJ
The Dwight D. Eisenhower School,
Wyckoff, NJ
"Little Bobby" Duncan-June, 2003
Working with 300 Students on the PIPE Project
by Harold Olejarz
Project Initiated at the school by Catherine Sloan
Cool KIDS, Head Start,
Cambridge School, Kendall Park, NJ
2001-2002 |
Paul Robeson School 2001-2005

August 11th-24th, 2005
Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center,
NY |
"In Progress"St. Paul, Mn., 2001
These teens sent digital designs
which we printed and wrapped around the pipes.

Anna Aslani

Thomas Leal |

Marquita Lowe |

Nissa Aitkin |