gamma gramma |
Art & money! I keep visualizing the
baby named "ART" going out with the bathwater named “money”..or
something to that effect!
Two years in a row, we
sent $75 to an arts group with big aspirations in a not so far
away town..(with small hopes to make friends..never
happened..after $150 dollars and us noticing that despite e
mailing and mailing them about what we were doing..not much
appeared anywhere and no letters got responded to.
After everything was
missed we got a letter inviting us to become apart of an elite
Renaissance group..
“Please agree and send another $30”
We wrote back, “was it
really true they had somehow missed everything we were doing.....or
had we missed something??”
Got silence
Whatever..a week or two goes by..another request..another week
or so..this time we get a formal
letter..not from a woman this time, but a man.
Please send money
generously, in support of all that they are doing..
another week
or so goes by..another letter..the Christmas season is upon us!
this like “pay to play?”
Except it never gets to what?
Whose game?
Is the game of any
value or interest? Not to us so far.
Two way street it
The baby is not even in
the bathwater, nobody notices..
unless it is your baby.
Raise money, hang
little things that have been juried, take them down, give prizes,
hang more, do it again..have “teas”, dinner at country clubs,
dress up, give awards..
As far as creativity
goes, I feel like a bird dog on a scent..many scents..when I am in
the heat of a hunt..a number of hunts, it is a rush to chase it
all and tree everything. Don’t want to apologize for doing what I
love. Not your typical gramma! Not my own gramma! Don't know what
kind of artist I am, but I know more what I am not.
put the baby back in the bathwater and unplug channels creating for the pure
sake that we can do it..
but how?
The arts are a communities drawing
Pipe Dreams;
Fish Bricks;
The Ocean Show;
Train Show;
The HUB with Magnetic
Artists are
experimenting with a wider and wider community, leaping boundaries of all
kinds, creating new venues, opening new channels to communication.
Judy Wray