WRAYART wizard behind the web  A Blog

Curtains! by J.Wray

That is my friend Drew standing
there at bottom of the yellow sea.
He said he couldn't be in the show,
and there he is with his fish swimming
all around him!
Drew was going sailing on a Portuguese sailing vessel
and was going to be away for a month.
The multiple fish images around him are photocopies
of a real bronze fish Drew loaned me.

There is no paint on this piece.
The top portion is black plastic bag-
simulated oil slick, bulging ominously to the side.

There are two old fashioned curtain pulls beneath each layer.
The kind which can still be found in some houses today,
like your granny's house!

One is invited to raise the curtains
and presented with a choice.

Plastique Ocean Show Index

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