This web page will show the development of a  mural being done for the County Clerk's office in Freehold, NJ by Dave McGrath, Longbranch, NJ

Hey Judy,
This mural drawing is being done in my studio. At first the commission was for it to be painted directly onto the wall, however a taxpayer revolt committee wouldn't allow it, so it has to be done on two separate panels, framed and since it deals with a Revolutionary War theme, be able to be removed at any time a "Politically Correct Inquisition" deem it harmful to
the 'pride and dignity' of hyphenated Americans. (Oh what we artists go through!)

I am very proud of this piece though. It is 10ft. long, (2 panels at 5ft.) and 2 1/2ft high. I went out to Prospect Creek Park in Pennsylvania where over 1000 people gathered in costume to do a re-enactment of the Revolution. Men, (dressed as Minute Men), women, children, horses blacksmiths, ministers, Englishmen, Indians, everything even troop whores!

I took 5 rolls of film for reference and have been arranging them into this panoramic scene of preparing for the day. If fact, that's what I might title it. The County Clerk gave me a flexible deadline, thank God, but they are going to have a ceremony when its unveiled. I will let you know and hope you can come. Yes, next Friday I will be at the County Clerk's office so I will take a photo of the wall and of the building and send them to you. I'll send more as progress continues.

E mail: Dave McGrath

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