Portail Francophone de L`Art

the long wall at the Cork Gallery

July 5-11, 2001         July 12-17, 2001

purple2.jpg (65515 bytes) Three artists from different countries working together to bring
you a most extraordinary exhibition… "Portail Francophone de l`Art"

July 5th to 17th, 2001
Cork Gallery, Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, New York, NY

Jean Pierre Gantois, pres. of Promotion` Arts, France

…Guéganne, owner of Guéganne Galerie
Studio, Canada

...Judith Wray, pres. of Visual Arts League,US

This exhibition, will
demonstrate what artists can accomplish when working together, even with great distance separating them.
An exhibition not to be missed !…


We wish to thank Gueganne  for her efforts to bring it together!

The paintings that will be presented at this
upcoming exhibition, July 5th to July 17th,
2001, at the Cork gallery, Avery Fisher
Hall, Lincoln Center, New York, N.Y.,
represent only a small fraction of the
modern paintings created by these
contemporary artists.

The work shown will
represent different perspectives of how
artists see themselves and the world.

will have the opportunity to view
figurative, nonfigurative paintings,
reflecting traces of modern romanticism,
abstract and conceptual arts along with
mysticism, surrealism, symbolism, as well
as sensual erotic imagery of Art Nouveau
in their works.

These are the personal
expressions of each artist, what they feel
and what they are sensing at the very
moment they are creating. At times they
are reflective and introspective, and at
other times they celebrate life and the
awesome mystical possibilities of their

Some artists attempts to
reveal the universal and the beautiful
elements found in the world around us, and
like the Masters they believe that capturing
the inner essence of their subject matter is
as important as painting the external mask.
However, all subject matters and content
are always for you to consider and ponder.

You will notice that many of these artists
have studied the style of the Impressionist
Masters; only in this way can they control
the consistency and vitality of their
medium. These methods of the Masters also
contribute to works of art with lasting
value and a permanence that is timeless.

The works of these twenty-eight French and
three Canadian artists presented at the
Cork Gallery will be exhibited for your
viewing pleasure and appreciation. Each
artist extends a very warm welcome to the
world to view these paintings created for
the pleasure of each connoisseur and art


The art is created in oils, acrylics,
watercolor and others media.

We thank Visual Art League of New Jersey
for sponsoring this exhibition and the
generosity of the Lincoln Center in
supporting visual arts and supplying the
gallery without cost to our group.


Participating Artists, France

Théo Quentin
(Jean Pierre Gantois)

Anik Dohen
Catherine Boix Vives
Claire Pietri
Claudine Berthelin
Denise Woirin
Daniel Niaux
Fabienne Ardio-Schumacher
Florence Liautaud
Gaulbert (Guilbert Berard)
Huguette Martel
Isabelle Ernst Fhima
Jacques Bernes
(Jean Pierre Tronche) Woll
Josette Guiot
Karine Lagrasse Grunfelder
Lillianne Novak
Lina (Pozzi Bugliarelli
Madelaine Rey-Brochard
Maguy Rion Collingnon
Martins Alberto
Monique Chery
Nicole Rogerie
Paule B (Causero Paulette)
Sarah Longlands
Simonne Guéremy
Sylvaine Sobalski
Vinca Migot

This group of artists from France and
Canada represents the broad scope of
painting that has made Jean Pierre Gantois
(France), Guéganne (Canada), so successful
in promoting different styles of paintings.

Visual Arts League© Copyright 1999, 2017. All rights reserved. All images are the property of either Visual Arts League© or their respective artist's, and may not be reproduced or used in any way without the expressed permission of the owner.