The Flying Hamuckus

"The Flying Hamuckus" began with my family

as an act we could all do together.

Today, family members often move far apart.

Then, there are extended family,

and friends who seem like family.

"The Flying Hamuckus"

was one solution to the question

"what wild, fun thing can we do,

when we are all so busy and far apart?"

Can we think of ways to go above and beyond

the yearly family picnic?

New realms to explore together?

As a family?

As a global family?

I wanted this project to change shape and be surprising.

It began on the web site, right here.

Then it graduated to real space.

The images are incorporated in a blue skies mural

at Creative Space Place, New Brunswick, N.J.

The images have recently been enlarged and

have leaped off their two dimensional wall into upper aerial space,

mobilized, flying free.

The allusion to a circus troupe is intentional.

Life is a balancing act.

Now, finally, comes a change. "The Flying Hamucka" Troupe gets their chance to take a spin in the clouds. Gradually we will work them all into the clouds, layered behind traslucent vaporous shapes. Stay tuned.

Almost forgot! The blue hammock hangs in our home. Last Christmas we invited everyone who came by then and afterwards to come in and sit in the hammuck for a photo opportunity. Then the photos were scanned and the images played with.

Visual Arts League© Copyright 1999, 2017. All rights reserved. All images are the property of either Visual Arts League© or their respective artist's, and may not be reproduced or used in any way without the expressed permission of the owner.