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Mathew Cervenka, NY

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Harry & Edie Cohen

East Brunswick, NJ

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"Little Bob" Duncan,  "Temporary Abode of the Relics of the Elephant God, Dumboderek".

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The Kids from Freda Rhodes classes

Paul Robeson School, New Brunswick, NJ

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chose "Fire" to write about

 The School of Ethical Culture

New York, NY


chose "Splatter" to write about.

 The School of Ethical Culture

New York, NY

The pipe Venessa chose is by artist Genfi Kwaku, Sayreville, NJ
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chose a pipe "Friendship" by Dima Yakovina,(14) St. Petersburg, Russia


The School of Ethical Culture

New York, NYom the

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(left) Mark Nerys (14); found object!;

Roslyn Rose,

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Pipe by Lisa Rejowski; Glen (right)

(HANDS) Janis Scelsa and the KIDS from Camp Daisy, East Brunswick, NJ
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Jane Baldridge, Wilmington, NC

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Visual Arts League© Copyright 1999, 2012. All rights reserved. All images are the property of either Visual Arts League© or their respective artist's, and may not be reproduced or used in any way without the expressed permission of the owner.