The Twisted Twig

Please email your submissions to

Submission Guidelines

 poetry, prose, photography and graphic arts.  Please follow the guidelines below.


Poetry should be submitted as an email attachment in MSword or Rich text format.    Free verse is preferred.  Meter will be considered as long as its not “sing-song.”  The main interest is in strong, honest and imaginative work.  Poems should not exceed 60 lines including spacing.   Work must be submitted exactly as you wish it to be presented (grammar, spacing, line breaks, etc).


Prose should be submitted in the same format as poetry.    No stipulations on style.


Art and photography must be sent as an attachment in jpeg at 100 dpi sized for the page and zipped if possible. PC compatible.  Nothing pornographic, please.


All submissions, poetry or otherwise, should be sent with a cover letter including a short bio.  We want to know who you are, and be able to include this information.

Still, if you wish to remain anonymous we will respect your privacy.


Reporting times will vary anywhere from immediately to the day of publication.


Please email your submissions to

 Thank you,

Judith Wray, Editor


Visual Arts League© Copyright 1999, 2012. All rights reserved. All images are the property of either Visual Arts League© or their respective artist's, and may not be reproduced or used in any way without the expressed permission of the owner.