Maxine - The
Wall Climber

Maxine - The
Wall Climber |
here, at the ARTYARD, last night was a bit of
a mad
scientist evening..
Laszlo opened all the doors and turned on a ventillator
as we melted CDs with a blow torch and Kathy (our 12 yr old from
Venezuela) dancing around, gees! kids!
fire, music, science and art all at once.
We are still alive this morning..
but the CDs, sad to say, did not rise
to the hoped for result..
The newer CDs we had a stack
of twenty,
the best you could get was to make
them look like they are heavily, sugar encrusted..
nice, but nothing to fall over about..
and I only had two older ones....are
translucent and when you hit them with a blow torch they instantly
begin to doing things..
not just a surface crusting but
through and through sexual reaction....ah!
the CD just loves the heat!!!!
undulating and stretching every which
way and holding the shapes....wow!!
Where oh where to get more....I know
But it calls for some serious searching.....
time to stop everything and
search for wafer thin old CDs....they are wonderful...
what we did last night was much
fun..but if it had been the thin CDs !!!!
so, how come we are doing this..
the Greek at the Stone Museum took one
of our Pipe Sculptures seriously.
The melted CD pipe from
Maxine Gantois in France....lucky Maxine....he does not even know!
he dissapeared! but he is not
The Greek even made him an engraved
plaque, no matter..Maxine moved.
Lost on Maxine, maybe and maybe
not.....we are still melting CDs and futzing with his pipe!