| Floating Art Page | Floating Art Page 2 | About Floating Art | Participate |

Contributing Artists | Digital Balls | Great Balls Of Fire

Girl Scout Troop 1452, Balls  

  Page Must Load COMPLETELY Before Art Will Float


dark cloud from Sheila Michaels, Selena, Kansas

Welcome to Visual Arts League's oldest / newest interactive, internet project: 

The Moving Art Page

If you wish to participate in our project, please CLICK HERE and follow the instructions.

In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the view as artwork and objects from around the world float about on your monitor!



This "Floating Objects" Java Script was created by Virtual Max.  It can be found, along with many more fun scripts, at Dynamic Drive DHTML code library
Visit Dynamic Drive for free, original DHTML scripts and components, all of which utilize the latest in DHTML and JavaScript technology!


Go Ahead...Scroll down...
It all floats with you!





Are you dizzy yet :)







 | Floating Art Page | Floating Art Page 2 | About Floating Art | Participate |

Contributing Artists | DIGITAL BALLS | Citizen School, Great Balls O' Fire

Girl Scout Troop 1452, Balls


Page design by Visual Arts League

Visual Arts League© Copyright 1999, 2017. All rights reserved. All images are the property of either Visual Arts League© or their respective artist's, and may not be reproduced or used in any way without the expressed permission of the owner.